Look at the Book: Genesis [Infographic]


Welcome to Bible Gateway’s weekly Look at the Book series of short blog posts and infographics introducing you to the books of the Bible. We’re kicking things off this week by exploring Genesis, the first book of the Bible. 

Scroll to the bottom if you’d prefer to see (and save) this article as an infographic. You’ll also find a handy 30-day reading guide. Or, for a challenge, you can do it in one week using the 7-day reading guide below. 


Genesis sets the stage for everything that follows in the Bible. It establishes God as the creator of all that is and focuses on the essential relationship of humanity, between God and his creation, and introduces the way God makes covenants with them. 

  • Category: Law 
  • Theme: Beginnings 
  • Timeline: Creation to around 1800 BC 
  • Written: 1450-1400 BC, traditionally attributed to Moses 

Key Verse 

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” — Genesis 1:1 (NIV) 

Who Wrote Genesis? 

According to tradition, Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, including Genesis, though some scholars believe that Genesis is a collection of writings from different authors. 

Purpose of the Book 

Many scholars believe that Genesis was written for a people living in exile and meant to refute the false theological claims of the Babylonians. That it was written for a people who were discouraged and felt defeated. The first chapter of Genesis is a powerful declaration that God is the Lord of all. 

7 Day Reading Guide 

(See 30-day guide below.) 


God made promises in the form of a series of covenants pledging his loyalty, faithfulness, and grace to humans, who were then called to respond to this grace with worshipful obedience.  

Access the rest of the series here. Browse Bible studies for each book of the Bible. Or right-click on the infographic below to download and save the image for your reference. 

Infographic depicting major themes and content from the book of Genesis
Chris Fann headshot

Chris Fann is the Senior Digital Marketing Manager for Harper Christian Resources. He loves the smell ofa baseball glove, coffee, and old books. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his wife, 2 teenage boys, and their dog, Freya. 

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